Pocket Rain Gauge
これについて app
A rain gauge right in your pocket! Take Pocket Rain Gauge with you out to your field or garden and find out how much it's rained in the last 24 hours right at your location. **Data is updated every hour and reflects the previous 24 hours** Using the same technology as Morning Farm Report, Pocket Rain Gauge delivers highly accurate rainfall measurements based off your location. Rainfall measurements are calculated using our custom big data infrastructure and output from NOAA and NWS satellites. To make sure we deliver the highest quality rainfall measurements, we’ve included feedback functionality so you can let us know how accurate our measurements are. If Pocket Rain Gauge says you got 1.3 inches of rain, but you know your field actually got 1.6 inches, let us know. We’ll use your feedback to make our measurements even better. Pocket Rain Gauge is a universal rain gauge that's with you wherever and whenever you need it. It's the perfect app for farmers, home gardeners, hikers, golfers, or just plain weather geeks! ** Our products and services provide estimates or recommendations based on models. These do not guarantee results. Consult your own common sense first, then service or farming professionals like agronomists, brokers, your grandparents, or any family or friend who knows your fields. Farming decisions are inherently risky and we hope that we help you in your risk management and operational decisions. Best of luck from your friends at Agrible and Morning Farm Report!


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ApkYes は、Google、Android OEM、Android アプリケーション開発者とはいかなる形でも提携していません。